Hello My Name Is...
Jeremiah Williams

Jeremiah "Jeremy" Williams sang in children's church choirs and took piano lessons from Greg Amburn before playing French horn in seventh grade under the direction of Ansel Gadd at Soddy Daisy Junior High in 1987. Seizing the opportunity to play in the jazz band at Soddy Daisy High School he tried out on trumpet and continued playing both horn in concert band and trumpet in jazz band and marching band. Rick Chambers became director of bands at Soddy Daisy in 1991 and planted the seed for a future of music education in Williams. To highlight his many performances as a worship soloist, he auditioned for the talent show at a Ridgecrest camp but was asked instead to perform for an all-campus convocation of thousands of worshippers. As band captain in 1993 and awarded All-East Tennessee Concert Band, All-State Jazz, and a Tennessee Governor's School for the Arts Scholar, he graduated with an offer to become a soloist with Al DiCroce and the Dutch Boy Drum and Bugle Corp from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Dutch Boy placed 18th in Drum Corps International quarter-finals in 1993. Williams was offered a position with the Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps, Denver, CO in 1994 where Larry Shane, Dutch Boy Brass Instructor, had relocated. The Blue Knights placed 7th in the 1994 DCI finals. Having a desire to join the elite, Williams auditioned for the Blue Devils and was accepted. He marched with the Blue Devils in 1995 earning 3rd place. In 1996 Williams aged out with the Blue Devils earning a DCI World Championship, a DCI I&E Mixed Ensemble Championship, and the October Japan Tour experience. Williams returned home to complete a BS in Music Education at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Williams currently lives in Hixson, TN, teaches in Soddy-Daisy, TN, and is a member of the Red Bank Baptist Church Orchestra. He is married to Faith and has two sons; Zachary and Micah.